Saturday 20 September 2014

To change or to remain?

Change. Most of the time it is uncomfortable and not easy. Due to the this, many people refuse to change and stick to their old, conventional ways. I believe these people love to dwell in their past glories as a way of hiding themselves from their present pain. Their lives are at a plateau. No more growth and their minds are still children-like. Well, it is really up to them. They have the freedom to choose whether to snuggle in their comfy blanket or start doing something. Start CHANGING.

As we live through different seasons of life, change is inevitable. It is something that we need to endure in order to grow up and be more fruitful in life.

To illustrate this, Bobby was the fastest runner in his high school. Then, he was selected to represent his school for a state-level running competition. Surely, he is going to compete against the cream of the cream and he cannot train like what he did previously in high school. He needs to gear up, spend more time at the running field, and have a stronger motivation to do his best. See, that is CHANGE. If he does not change, he will be beaten up by other competitors.

Change is a painful process, as you are doing something new and unfamiliar. But, when it becomes habitual, it will eventually be an easy task. My dad always said this to me, "When you are doing something challenging for many times, it is gonna be your second nature to do it at the end."

Many people become bitter rather than better, when they face problems*, as they refuse to change. Their level of maturity does not level up and growing up is something rare in their dictionaries. I hope we won't be these kind of people. Instead, we'll become more flexible, meaning able to change and adapt fast to the new circumstances and always innovate our ways of doing things. It can be changing our lifestyles like waking up earlier, exercising more, being more relational to people, or spending more time in sharpening your mind and skills.

So keep on doing what's right and really trust God. You may not have the feeling or motivation to do the right things, right now, but just act it out first and have faith that God will fill your heart with the spirits of diligence, patience, and endurance. And finally, God will put the love of doing the right things in your heart. FOCUS ON CHANGE AND YOU WILL GET THE RESULT.

*Inspired by the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. You should read this gem!

** Im writing this not because I have successfully changed for the better, but I am going through this process and I want to encourage you with these wisdoms too. Be blessed and may God change you.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Dear social media addicts (sometimes known as STALKERS)

2 Corinthians 3:16-18

"But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the spirit, and wherever the spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. So all of us who have had that veil removed can SEE and REFLECT the glory of the Lord. And the Lord, who is the spirit makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image."

I got these impactful verses from a sermon video I watched online (I'll post the link below). It's like a slap on my face when I listened to it. Because all this while, I think most of us, including myself, have been trying hard to present ourselves as perfect figures who has it all, be it in social media or even real life. We work hard to impress others when they see our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook profile. Wanting to be seen as pretty, rich, smart, or wise is our greatest desire.

Excessive focus is put onto the "perfect" lives of others. We are trapped in social comparison and it makes us feel bad of ourselves. I know what am I talking about because I've been through it. Even now, Im still struggling.

I feel like screaming to your face now if you are upset for not looking that pretty as the girl in the Instagram. I feel like scolding you now if you are contemplating on others glorious lives, and thinking hard before you tweet because you wanna be perceived as wise and you are longing for dozens of retweet.

But let me ask you a question.


You are not a model or celebrity.You are covering your face with a layer of airbrush perfection, until you can't even see the amazing and hopeful plans God has for you. You are too busy looking at other people's lives, what they are up to, but you fail to claim the glory God has for you today.

I feel like cursing now but you get me right?

Now get up from your bed, hide your phone or laptop from your sight, and do what you are supposed to do now. This is the day! This is the day that the Lord has made for YOU.God is eager to show you great things He has prepared for you. But He can only show it when you unveil yourself and unblock your sight from these false fantasies. See and show the real things. Do the real things. If now you are in the season of being a student, study well for God's glory. Do what you are supposed to do with excellence.

If you are struggling with addiction to social media and constant comparison, I tell you that you can only break free from it and claim VICTORY over it if you are really serious about it. Tell God desperately with all your heart that you wanna be released from this chain and I believe that He will renew your strength everyday.

What I did was, I fasted from social media for a few days (we tend to compare ourselves with others via social media), and fixed only 30 minutes everyday on it. It is a painful struggle but you will overcome it. There are days when Im unable to control myself, but it's okay. Always bear in mind that what you feed will grow, and what you starve will die. I have deleted my Instagram earlier this year, because I was addicted to stalking 'beautiful' people and you can do it too if you need to. Im not asking you to delete all of your social media accounts, but if you spend too much time on it and it impairs your daily functioning, emotions and spirit, then you know what you ought to do man.

Personally, I can say that I spend less time on Facebook now. When you no longer have the "need" to login to your Facebook, you will feel like a boss. Seriously,  because it no longer has power over you. And my next monster to be shut out is Youtube. Urghh, Youtube is very entertaining to watch btw..

So stalkers, if you wanna live a bigger life, now is the time to uncover your raw and uncut life. I urge you to compare less and contemplate more on God's glory. NOW is the glorious days for you. Stop slumbering in your sweet history and thinking "these good old days...". Today is your good new day! His spirit will fill us with fruitfulness and glory as it says, "And the Lord, who is the spirit makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image."

I hope what I am trying to convey here not only touches your heart, but slaps you in the face like what I have experienced. You are meant for a glorious, victorious and fruitful life. Don't let the enemy rob and destroy you. But YOU, have power over them because the spirit of God is in you.

The Sermon

Friday 12 September 2014

20 Facts About Me (p/s: some may be subjected to change)

I've been tagged by my friend Carven via Facebook and I'm gonna do mine here because Im afraid of judgement if I post it in FB (I think this thing is a bit poyo though hahah)  Since, Im soo "FREE" now and my trials is next week, here are my 20 facts.

 Obviously Im a very "diplomatic" person from this pic.

Im not a Malay, Chinese or mixed blood. Im a pure Kenyah, a minority tribe from East Malaysia,     particularly Sarawak. Don't worry, we are no longer headhunters.

I do still live in a longhouse in Belaga, and Im proud of it.

Im blessed with a wonderful family. (Inspiring dad, hardworking mum, loving siblings.) and also amazing friends who have been with me through thick and thin.

I have been 150 cm since Form 1 or 2, I guess. (No more hope in growing taller -.-)

I once wanted to be a military medical doctor, pharmacist, dentist, petroleum engineer, flight maintenance engineer etc. Just name it.

Im on a diet now but I always crash it. When I eat unhealthy food, I'll compensate it by going to the gym.

I like to sing and most people I met would remember me as a singer.

Im friendly to new people because I want to make them feel comfortable in new environment.

Treasure my culture very much because it is very rare nowadays.

I love sunflowers. VERY.

I have studied in 2 schools before I settled in SainsKu. SMK Belaga & Kolej TDTH Bujang Miri.

I LOVE playing sports, especially those sports where I can be rough. Basketball (the most favourite one), hockey, football (the most tiring because of the huge field), futsal, and netball (I always fantasise myself as a ballerina whenever I play netball, don't know why).

(probably the worst bruises I  got so far from playing futsal)

During my post SPM break, I opened my house to teach those primary school kids at my longhouse. Sort of tuition, and I really enjoyed teaching them because they were so enthusiastic in learning and even until now, whenever they see me at kampung during my hols, they will always ask me "When can we do tuition again?".. So sweet of them and I always hope that Im on a long break so that I can do this again. I admit that this experience inspire me to fight for quality education in rural area. (future activist maybe?)

(with my cute nieces during Christmas Eve 2013)

Im broke now and I'll be eating mixed rice at Pasar everyday hopefully.

Dream of being a vlogger. Just wait for it. heheh

Speaking about vlogging, my favourite youtubers are Jenn Im from Clothesencounters and Michelle Phan.

 Jenn Im.

Michelle Phan.

Somehow, I have this natural urge to act like a mak Datin whenever me and my friends enter a high end shop or when we try on shades.

Most of the stuffs I have now are my mother's previously. Eg: Phone, watch, Sling bag. They are very precious to me because they make me feel close to my mum. If possible, I don't wanna buy new ones.

Dream of being a founder of an elite boarding school in Sarawak.

I love anything that has banana and chocolate in it.

That's all! Do comment down below if we share the same facts. hehe Have a good day!

Friday 5 September 2014

She's Still a Conquerer (Part 1)

She's looking at the sea now
Trying to fill in the emptiness
The emptiness once filled with treasures
Those treasures excited her loved ones
Proud were they of her

She always knew that those giant mountains were conquerable
Since young she's always a conquerer

But things changed as she aged
She realised
there were more conquerers in this world
Some were more dexterous in sailing
Some were as good as her
Well, just good...
nothing much...
 when compared to the greater conquerers

Now she thought she knew it
"Maybe I can't be the best sailor in this whole galaxy"
"But I can be the best for myself"
No pressure
Living comfortably in her own deck
Telling lies to herself that,
"You can't be the best every time"

there's no interesting story  in her life
Life's  just a flat and smooth road for her
No struggles to overcome
No treasures won
Her muscles were weak
Her ship was wrecked
Hopeless was her world

She couldn't take it anymore
She couldn't live like this forever
No adventure, no discovery
Nothing gained...

All this time
She chose to be blinded from this truth
The truth was well-hidden in the basement of her ship
For letting it out means hurting herself
And she didn't want to be hurt.

But now,
She chooses to see it.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Happy breakie!

Semester 2 has finally closed its chapter. There were devastating moments, and also victorious ones. Anyways, it was an exciting ride full of surprises and lessons. To sum up my second semester, here are some photos:

I admit my craziness in the midst of stress

Tell me something I don't know? hehe

 lifegroup: sunway pirates

And some selfies on the last day of Sem 2!

(batu and pokok) apparently I'm the flower

 forgive this picture

and voila! Happy Sem 2 break!!

Saturday 26 April 2014

LESS IS ALWAYS MORE...FULFILLING! : simplicity and humility

Mahatma Gandhi. Mother Theresa. Dalai Lama. All of them have one thing in common. Sorry, not one, but a few things. I'm not talking about their determination or their compassion towards others. Everybody knows that. What I wanna point out here is their simplicity and humility in living up their lives.

These are great leaders who dress simply, not needing fancy jewellery, expensive cars or big houses. How humble they are. It really inspires me a lot when seeing leaders who put others before themselves, who give their wealth to their people first and be content with the left-overs they have. Their perspective of life is so much different. They are no longer attached to the wants of this world which will fade off one day but instead they have security within themselves. They are not afraid of being called poor materialistically, because they know life is more than that.

There are some leaders in Malaysia that I admire too because of their humility. For instance, DS Idris Jala. He's the CEO of PEMANDU and has a great record when he managed to bring up MAS again after the company has faced couples of issues. Even though he has achieved a lot, a speaker from a summit that I attended, who was one of Idris' staffs talked about how humble DS Idris was. He didn't drive fancy car to work and he is someone who loves a simple life.

Nurul Izzah Anwar is one of my favourite people too. She wears veil and like what I said earlier, no fancy jewellery, or heavy makeup or big hair. What comes first is the people, not her own interest. How amazing!

I want to learn more about these humble people after learning one of the Psychology lessons which is about self-actualisation. A self-actualised individual is someone whose needs have been fulfilled or in this case, who needs nothing. (of course they need clothes, food and shelter.. duhh). What I mean here  is that they do not need fame, or wealth. They already know what matters the most. They are secured with themselves and don't need to please people all the time. Life will be less stressful too.

I wanna make it my goal to live a simple life. Not concern about brands or others' thoughts on me. It's tiring to meet people's expectations when actually you don't really care about it. As long as you know who you really are and stay true to yourself.

(because I'm taking a break from my assignment, and has nothing better to do) :D


Friday 25 April 2014

the forgotten dreams

When we were younger, we had tons of dreams which were sometimes, illogical. We dreamt of flying like Superman, singing on the world stage like Hannah Montana or being the richest person on earth. But we don't care right? It was as if nothing stood between us and our dreams. 

But as we grow older, we face disappointment and failure along the journey of our life. It seems like our expectations are too high and unreachable for us. It's very devastating when the results that we get do not match our expectations. So, to minimise the pain of failing, we lower down our standards or goals. We set goals which are within our reach so that we won't fall hard onto the ground. So in this case, nobody gets hurt right?

But, how can you expect less when you have a God that can provide endlessly? God is more than willing to shower us with His blessings. So dream big again! Do your life big! Life is too short to live ordinarily. There is always hope in God who can do great things in our life. I love a quote that says, "it's not about your ability. The only thing God needs from you is a willing heart". All you need is a willing heart to do things you're afraid off. A heart that is willing to soar high even though you are acrophobic. Sit back and relax, God will lead and strengthen your spirit along the way.

So continue working hard out of love for Him. Remove all the distractions that are pulling you away from your dreams. Move on from your past and start fresh again. And as you embark on this journey, pray so that your dreams in life would be fulfilling His will first above all else.

However, do not mistake that His blessings only come in the form of wealth or excellent grades. It is a great blessing that we are still alive today and able to be with our loved ones when there are other people out there who do not have this privilege. His blessings are everywhere.

And lastly, let's be real. I know it is hurtful when your dreams just remain dreams. But take heart, God knows what the best for you. Sometimes He doesn't give you your desires because He knows you are not ready yet or simply because He has something better in store for you. Let me give you an illustration (credits to Razel, my mentor), when you were a child, you wanted to drive a car badly. But did your father give you the keys and let you drove the car? No right? As a good father, he knew that you are not ready yet to drive and it would be dangerous for you too . But when you are ready, he will give it to you just in perfect timing.

To sum it up, keep on dreaming big. Do the best you can. Stay focused on your dreams and maximise the time and opportunity that He has given. Ask God to mould your heart into a heart that desires to fulfil His will. Because His will is so that we have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


Wednesday 26 March 2014


Hi everyone! I know this may be very late for me to share with u guys about my journey after SPM. But, I hope that through my story, it may help you to decide on what u wanna do in the future.

So now, you've got your SPM result. It may be excellent, devastating or just cukup2 makan. Well, whatever you have earned, just be grateful and accept it with an open heart. There's nothing you can do about it anymore right? So now is the time for you to take a deep breath and MOVE ON!

Probably now you have applied for scholarships, UPU or still applying for it. If you have decided on what you wanna take up for your tertiary education, CONGRATULATIONS! But if you are like me, who changed my choices of courses almost everyday, then I think you better continue reading this post of mine till the end.

So here's my story. Since I was a kid, I have always dreamt of being a medical doctor or a dentist. I am not really sure why but maybe because I wasn't really exposed to other careers back then. Then I entered secondary school(SainsKu), where I was the most confused person ever. One day I wanna be a pharmacist, during my high-spirited day I wanna be a military doctor, then the next day an accountant, petroleum engineer and so on. And I know that some of my friends knew how indecisive I was. And things got worse when I applied for scholarships.

I remember I applied for Bank Negara(BNM), PETRONAS, MARA, Swinburne, YTN and UPU. For BNM, I applied for Pharmacy as my first choice and Accountancy as the second one. And guess what? I didn't receive a call from them. Sedih2.. Maybe I should apply for Kijang instead of Kijang Emas in the first place. But it's fine. At least I'm not gonna study Pharmacy for my undergraduate (Chemistry and I, the teacher was great, but I don't think so I have genuine interest in it). Then for MARA, I applied for Pharmacy too. I got the scholarship but I wanted to change it into Medicine. Unfortunately, I couldn't because there was no empty place anymore. And I would tell you why I chose PETRONAS instead of MARA in the end. Then for Swinburne and YTN I main2 jer. And for UPU,as cliché it may be, I applied for PASUM and UNIMAS Sains Hayat.

Alright, let me tell you first that it has always been my dream to pursue my studies overseas specifically in the States and UK. Why States? Because I wanna meet David Archuleta!! Hehe, I was an avid fan of Archie. But what came in my way was Pharmacy in the UK(MARA) and Accountancy in NZ (petronas). So it was time to decide. If you are indecisive like me, I advise you to list down the adv and disadv of your choices.

Adv: In the UK ( I think this is the only adv) hehe
Disadv: Not interested in Chemistry
No secured job after graduating

Adv: business and economics related, more to corporate world, help me in setting up my business and establishing a private boarding school in the future, 5 years bond with Petronas
Disadv: never studied acc before(risky), NZ(the last place in my mind)

After getting advices from my family and through prayer, I finally decided to go for PETRONAS. This step was the biggest leap of faith I've ever taken in my life. I just prayed to God, if this is according to your will, then let it be happen without obstacles. And until now, there's nothing that comes in my way which is directing me away from this path. Maybe there is, like I did badly for my class test one time, but nahh.. I believe that may be a reminder from God to be humble and keep trusting in Him. But so far so great. Now I realised, maybe God wants to place me in NZ because He believes NZ would be a condusive place for Him to prepare me for my purpose. And why accountancy? I don't know yet. But what I know, I do have the interest in business and making money. And having hope in God just makes me more optimistic in life.
I can't agree more with the saying "everything happens for a reason".

So how is my story? I hope it's not that boring and I wish you can get something from it. So my final words for you:
1)if u are confused about your future, list down the adv & disadv(do research about the courses)
2)see which one has more adv, seek advice from teachers and family
3)and most importantly, pray for it. Ask God what is HIS WILL, because He has a special purpose for you in life.
4)and don't forget, study what you like ya..


Friday 7 March 2014

Empower women = Empower the world

WOMAN. God's beautiful creation. Made to be brave to live a life that glorifies Him. She is meant to live a big life, makes her own choices when she knows what's best for her. She deserves to be educated, to speak her own mind and to change the world she's living in.

We are fortunate. For we are given the right to get education, to work and to chase after our dreams. The problem is most of us are not really aware of what's happening to our sisters in other countries where they are being abused and oppressed because of their ridiculous culture which limits a woman's right and capabilities. While we are enjoying every single privilege we have, our friends are being beaten up and killed in their homeland because they are said to be doing the "wrong" things which are against their ideology and culture such as obtaining education and refusing to be in a forced marriage when they are underaged. So what are women expected to do their whole lives? Are their purposes in life just to get married, bear a lot of children, be sexually submissive towards their husbands and be afraid to speak up because they have no right to do so?

Before I move on, let me make one thing clear. I am not looking down on women who are staying at home and taking care of their children. I'm telling you, they are the gems of our nation because they are the ones who are going to educate and shape our future generations. If we want our next generations to be humane, intellectual, and people of virtue, it is crucial for the mothers to be educated too. I can't agree more with Brigham Young when he said, "When you educate a woman, you educate a generation". When you empower a woman, you empower the world.

So what can we do? Simple. Tell all women you know about their freedom to make a change in this world. Empower them to follow their dreams and encourage them to be the best they can in everything they do. And if you are a woman, inspire others to live courageously by the way you live. And never compromise with people around you who are downgrading women or saying that women are weak and mindless. Educate them about women empowerment and the importance of investing in young girls if they want to increase the nation's income or standard of living. When girls are educated, a country will have more human resources and intellectuals who will contribute to the economics, social and politics of the country. We may have no access to these countries where girls are being deprived of their rights. But what we can do is, make the best out of every opportunity that we have to develop ourselves and spread the message that girls, can run the world

Inspired by:
Women's International Day
Honor Diaries
Malala Yousafzai

Special thanks to:
My father in heaven, in whom I find my purpose in life
My dad, who always empowers me
My mom, who inspires me to be a strong woman
My teachers, who gave me the platform to develop myself
My friends, who are always there for me
and Asilah, the Wonderwoman who helps me in writing this :)

Saturday 15 February 2014


            I'm a proud person. I don't like to show my flaws  because I don't want others to perceive me as a weak and fragile individual. I want them to see me as someone who is strong and cool. Therefore, I tend to look okay on the outside, but inside is broken and drowning. The consequence of my bad behaviour is that I don't love others sincerely. I'm frustrated with myself for not being able to feel the love of God and show it to the world because I'm consumed with pride. I already knew the truth but doing good deeds sometimes becomes a burden instead of  joy for me. I know that I can't stand to live this way.This must be stopped now.

        Yesterday, after the church service, I approached my sister in Christ. I really thanked God for giving me the courage to open myself and share my weakness and problems with her. I told her that this week was very challenging for me. I felt like a failure and studying became a compelled thing to do. I studied simply because others were studying. There's no joy in it and for sure the knowledge could not be retained. As a result, I was stressed out.

      I think the main reason of me feeling unhappy with myself is my refusal to be humble. My head just gets big. I refused to be humble before God especially. I'm hiding my addictions and hatred from Him. I pretend as if my spiritual life is okay when in reality it's broken. And do you know why it's broken? Because I seldom come to Him with a humble and vulnerable spirit. When we are proud before God, it will be shown in other areas of our life. We dislike others, we are lazy in our studies and people cannot see the joy that comes from God in you! And how can I let others know about God when I am living that way?

      I love one verse in Isaiah that says, "…I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts."

     God wants us to come to him with a humble and vulnerable heart. He wants you and me to come to Him with a naked spirit, not hiding anything. This shows that God is longing to have an intimate relationship with us. So what can we do? My sister told me to ask God. Ask him to change our hearts and teach us to love Him genuinely. That is what He wants and I want. Because when we love Him, obeying His will in our life would be our greatest desire. Reading the Bible or singing praises will no longer be a burden, but a joy.

       Therefore my friend, it's okay to put your defences down and be broken before God. Always ask Him to bestow you with a loving heart. Believe that He will heal you. And you better trust Him because when you are madly in love with Him, everything in your life will fall into places perfectly and you will flourish and bear fruits. You will also tend to recover faster from disappointment. And most importantly, remain in Him and He will remain in you.

This verse speaks for itself:
John 15:4   Remain in me and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

John 15:7   But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.


May God bless you.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Why do we need to be excellent? Because He is.

I was born and raised in a Christian family. I attended church and Sunday school faithfully when I was a child. I am very blessed for God has revealed Himself to me since my tender age. Everyday, I learnt more about Him. What He did for me when I don't deserve it. And things that please His heart.

Yes,there are times when I doubt His presence and faithfulness. I often question myself what is the main purpose of my life. Why do I need to excel in my studies? And why do I have to do good deeds? Why do I need to bother about others' issues when they are not affecting my life? Why God wants me to be the best? The answer is; because He is the best. And we are made in His image. So, we are His reflection, a reflection of excellence.

Yet, God is extremely patient with me in revealing who He is and redirecting me towards Him when I fall apart countless times.
He humbles me to submit my everything into His might hands. To not trust my own ability but His unfathomable wisdom. He fills me with Holy Spirit to do and say the right things. He sends Godly people into my life to correct my flaws. He alters the way I think by putting His thoughts into mine. It's no longer about me. It's about pleasing Him and sharing the Gospel through my lifestyle. And what kind of lifestyle? Full of excellence and humility.

I'm not a religious person. But I believe in encouraging others and sharing what I can. God is strengthtening and preparing me for a future with hope. He is preparing something big for me.  Not for my own interest,but to fulfill His plan in my life.

Now,don't look down on yourself. God has a greater plan for u. Work hard everyday to grow in your faith by meditating on His words. Verily, His words are guidance on how we should live our life because He does not want us to live a life of regrets. He wants the best for us. Step out of your comfort zone, go for something bigger. Help others to discover God and His amazing love. Pray everyday that He will reveal His unfailing love in your life. Life is more than yourself.

Monday 27 January 2014


Hi guys!

 I'm gonna do this really quick as I am actually waiting for my taxi to LCCT.

So, I'm going back to Sarawak for CNY holidays!!! (Yayyyy)

Ok. Let me be real. Apparently I am not really excited to go back this year because I feel that my class just started, then BAM holidays again.

alright. I know I should be grateful for having this great opportunity to see my family again. Please Lord give me the strength to spend this holidays productively with my loved ones. hehe

And for your information, I'm starting to get busier this year with SATs (skills and applications task) and assignments. Guess there's no more going to Sunway Pyramid every weekend. FOR MY FUTURE. -.-"

But there's one thing that I am really looking forward to this hols, I'm gonna celebrate CNY with my best friend, Apple and her family. I can't wait to visit my old school and childhood friends. (awww, miss them)

OK. So final say from me. Enjoy your break and do something beneficial.. Bye!!!

Sunday 26 January 2014

favourite quotes

Here some of my all-time favourite quotes that never fail to motivate and inspire me:

  1.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  2. True greatness begins with humility.
  3. Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work at it.
  4. When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
  5. The more you do something, the easier it becomes.
  6. Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, TO ACCOMPLISH INFINITELY MORE THAN WE MIGHT ASK OR THINK. wow!(Ephesians 3:20) 
  7. Put God first in your life and all of your other priorities will fall into places.
  8. Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.(Ephesians 6:7)
  9. Don't let your heart be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me. (John 14:1)
  10. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor. (James 4:10)
  11. And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8) <POSITIVE THINKING>
  12. Humility is not thinking less of yourself  but thinking of yourself less.
  13. Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look at the world straight in the face. ~Hellen Keller
  14. Do what you are afraid of to gain self confidence.
  15. To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. (Matthew 25:29)
  16. Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good, pleasing and perfect.(Romans 12:2)
  17. Avoid doing things that can hinder you from achieving your goals.
  18. Guna sepenuhnya masa yang terluang. Masa terlalu sedikit dan terbatas. Justeru, fokus hanya kepada pelajaran dan peperiksaan. Ini bermakna perkara yang boleh ditangguhkan selepas peperiksaan mesti ditangguhkan. (Dr Shukri Abdullah)
  19. Big dreams need big effort.
  20. Study very hard because what is precious does not come easily.
  21. JUST DO IT!
I hope these quotes will help you in your journey of success. DO YOUR BEST! ^^

Friday 17 January 2014


I am angry
Because the world doesn't allow me to do things I want
To be the next Prime Minister
Or  to be simply extraordinary

I am angry
Because the world doesn't allow me to eat that extra piece of cake
For I will be called 'ugly'
When I gain extra pounds

I am angry
Because the world emphasises more on my looks
What I'm gonna wear and how I'm gonna sit
Instead of the power of my brain

I am angry
Because the world sets an unrealistic standard of beauty
Flawless skin and shiny hair
Fair complexion and pointy nose

I am angry
Because the world keeps on exploiting women
Treating them like objects
To satisfy its own greed

I am angry
Because I allowed myself to be deceived by the world
Chasin' after wind
Running after things that are worthless

I am angry
Because I was so foolish
For letting the world define what beauty is
And wasting my energy
In pursuing these deceptions

I am angry
Because I think too much about others' thought of me
When all that matters is
What I think of myself

I am angry
For I have focused too much on how I look
When I can use my energy
To make a difference in someone's life

I am angry
Because I was drifted away
From what is really important
And idolising things that will never fill up my soul

I am angry
Because I blame the world too much
When it all comes to me
For I have the power to decide
To be shaped by the world
Or to be shaped by God

Monday 13 January 2014


I believe that every successful people on this Earth has something or someone to push them beyond their boundaries to achieve their dreams. It can be their parents, God,wealth, fame, or doing their best just to help the less fortunate ones. And these motivations depend on their beliefs and principles that they hold onto. As for me, I always give myself a constant reminder that everything I do is only for God's glory and to be a blessing to other people in many ways, for instance in my studies, relationships with friends and family and involvement in community service.At times, I admit that I fail to focus on glorifying God all the time. Instead of finding ways on how I can bless others, I think of how I can lift up myself and do things I like without having a deep thought whether these things are going to please God. As human beings, we cannot run away from making mistakes.And that's why we need God's grace to save us.

 Like what I have mentioned earlier, everyday I need to remind myself on what is the most vital part of my life.GOD. It's true that is easier said than done. But I just need the faith, discipline and the Holy Spirit to lead me towards my ultimate goal which is eternity with Jesus Christ. And everyday I pray that God will touch my heart and renew my spirit. To obey His words with a joyful heart. In Romans 3:31,"Well then, if we emphasise on faith,does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfil the law." This means that only when we have faith in Jesus Christ and love Him above all else, obeying His commandments will be our desires. And one of His wills in our life is to bring glory to His name. Therefore, we have no reason at all not to work hard at what we are doing, be it our studies, work, or even just the act of accompanying a lonely friend because God drives us to do our best for His glory. This is perfectly said in a quote by an anonymous, "God's providence and power are not excuses for being lazy. God wants us to work hard and then entrust the result to Him". How awesome is that? He not only requires us to be diligent and enthusiastic, but to believe that He will take care of the outcomes. He doesn't want us to worry about anything, instead instructs us to pray about everything.

 Moreover, being the salt and light to the world arises my spirit to bless others in many ways as possible. Be it talking to people nicely, encouraging others, treating people well, helping those in need, being friendly and practising selflessness. By doing these, I hope that people can feel God's presence and comfort.And to show them that someone cares. Sometimes, some people may go against you because what you do is something different and considered as not "in" for the society. But like what S. Truett Cathy expounds, "You cannot be a people pleaser to everyone. Even the people who disagree with you will respect you for your convictions."

 In conclusion, strive for excellence in whatever you are doing with the talents, ability, strength and knowledge that God has given you. Use these tools to do good to the world and improve lives worldwide. You need to know that a lot of people out there who are in despair and lack of opportunities to succeed. And it is your responsibility to reach out for these people and help them to be the next extraordinaires and history makers. God bless.