Saturday 20 September 2014

To change or to remain?

Change. Most of the time it is uncomfortable and not easy. Due to the this, many people refuse to change and stick to their old, conventional ways. I believe these people love to dwell in their past glories as a way of hiding themselves from their present pain. Their lives are at a plateau. No more growth and their minds are still children-like. Well, it is really up to them. They have the freedom to choose whether to snuggle in their comfy blanket or start doing something. Start CHANGING.

As we live through different seasons of life, change is inevitable. It is something that we need to endure in order to grow up and be more fruitful in life.

To illustrate this, Bobby was the fastest runner in his high school. Then, he was selected to represent his school for a state-level running competition. Surely, he is going to compete against the cream of the cream and he cannot train like what he did previously in high school. He needs to gear up, spend more time at the running field, and have a stronger motivation to do his best. See, that is CHANGE. If he does not change, he will be beaten up by other competitors.

Change is a painful process, as you are doing something new and unfamiliar. But, when it becomes habitual, it will eventually be an easy task. My dad always said this to me, "When you are doing something challenging for many times, it is gonna be your second nature to do it at the end."

Many people become bitter rather than better, when they face problems*, as they refuse to change. Their level of maturity does not level up and growing up is something rare in their dictionaries. I hope we won't be these kind of people. Instead, we'll become more flexible, meaning able to change and adapt fast to the new circumstances and always innovate our ways of doing things. It can be changing our lifestyles like waking up earlier, exercising more, being more relational to people, or spending more time in sharpening your mind and skills.

So keep on doing what's right and really trust God. You may not have the feeling or motivation to do the right things, right now, but just act it out first and have faith that God will fill your heart with the spirits of diligence, patience, and endurance. And finally, God will put the love of doing the right things in your heart. FOCUS ON CHANGE AND YOU WILL GET THE RESULT.

*Inspired by the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. You should read this gem!

** Im writing this not because I have successfully changed for the better, but I am going through this process and I want to encourage you with these wisdoms too. Be blessed and may God change you.

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