Monday 13 January 2014


I believe that every successful people on this Earth has something or someone to push them beyond their boundaries to achieve their dreams. It can be their parents, God,wealth, fame, or doing their best just to help the less fortunate ones. And these motivations depend on their beliefs and principles that they hold onto. As for me, I always give myself a constant reminder that everything I do is only for God's glory and to be a blessing to other people in many ways, for instance in my studies, relationships with friends and family and involvement in community service.At times, I admit that I fail to focus on glorifying God all the time. Instead of finding ways on how I can bless others, I think of how I can lift up myself and do things I like without having a deep thought whether these things are going to please God. As human beings, we cannot run away from making mistakes.And that's why we need God's grace to save us.

 Like what I have mentioned earlier, everyday I need to remind myself on what is the most vital part of my life.GOD. It's true that is easier said than done. But I just need the faith, discipline and the Holy Spirit to lead me towards my ultimate goal which is eternity with Jesus Christ. And everyday I pray that God will touch my heart and renew my spirit. To obey His words with a joyful heart. In Romans 3:31,"Well then, if we emphasise on faith,does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfil the law." This means that only when we have faith in Jesus Christ and love Him above all else, obeying His commandments will be our desires. And one of His wills in our life is to bring glory to His name. Therefore, we have no reason at all not to work hard at what we are doing, be it our studies, work, or even just the act of accompanying a lonely friend because God drives us to do our best for His glory. This is perfectly said in a quote by an anonymous, "God's providence and power are not excuses for being lazy. God wants us to work hard and then entrust the result to Him". How awesome is that? He not only requires us to be diligent and enthusiastic, but to believe that He will take care of the outcomes. He doesn't want us to worry about anything, instead instructs us to pray about everything.

 Moreover, being the salt and light to the world arises my spirit to bless others in many ways as possible. Be it talking to people nicely, encouraging others, treating people well, helping those in need, being friendly and practising selflessness. By doing these, I hope that people can feel God's presence and comfort.And to show them that someone cares. Sometimes, some people may go against you because what you do is something different and considered as not "in" for the society. But like what S. Truett Cathy expounds, "You cannot be a people pleaser to everyone. Even the people who disagree with you will respect you for your convictions."

 In conclusion, strive for excellence in whatever you are doing with the talents, ability, strength and knowledge that God has given you. Use these tools to do good to the world and improve lives worldwide. You need to know that a lot of people out there who are in despair and lack of opportunities to succeed. And it is your responsibility to reach out for these people and help them to be the next extraordinaires and history makers. God bless.


  1. Try to separate your points into a few paragraphs. One long paragraph is not conducive for reading. Nice points and keep up the good work. May God bless your efforts!

    1. Thanks chris! I did separate the points into few paragraphs but it didn't appear so.. Gbu too :)

    2. Thanks chris! I did separate the points into few paragraphs but it didn't appear so.. Gbu too :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Maybe you can hit enter twice. Actually you can preview the post before publishing it. So preview and check if anything is wrong before posting it. :)

  2. What the beneficial motivations! Grammar's perfect! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks bro for the uplifting comments! Will do!
