Friday 7 March 2014

Empower women = Empower the world

WOMAN. God's beautiful creation. Made to be brave to live a life that glorifies Him. She is meant to live a big life, makes her own choices when she knows what's best for her. She deserves to be educated, to speak her own mind and to change the world she's living in.

We are fortunate. For we are given the right to get education, to work and to chase after our dreams. The problem is most of us are not really aware of what's happening to our sisters in other countries where they are being abused and oppressed because of their ridiculous culture which limits a woman's right and capabilities. While we are enjoying every single privilege we have, our friends are being beaten up and killed in their homeland because they are said to be doing the "wrong" things which are against their ideology and culture such as obtaining education and refusing to be in a forced marriage when they are underaged. So what are women expected to do their whole lives? Are their purposes in life just to get married, bear a lot of children, be sexually submissive towards their husbands and be afraid to speak up because they have no right to do so?

Before I move on, let me make one thing clear. I am not looking down on women who are staying at home and taking care of their children. I'm telling you, they are the gems of our nation because they are the ones who are going to educate and shape our future generations. If we want our next generations to be humane, intellectual, and people of virtue, it is crucial for the mothers to be educated too. I can't agree more with Brigham Young when he said, "When you educate a woman, you educate a generation". When you empower a woman, you empower the world.

So what can we do? Simple. Tell all women you know about their freedom to make a change in this world. Empower them to follow their dreams and encourage them to be the best they can in everything they do. And if you are a woman, inspire others to live courageously by the way you live. And never compromise with people around you who are downgrading women or saying that women are weak and mindless. Educate them about women empowerment and the importance of investing in young girls if they want to increase the nation's income or standard of living. When girls are educated, a country will have more human resources and intellectuals who will contribute to the economics, social and politics of the country. We may have no access to these countries where girls are being deprived of their rights. But what we can do is, make the best out of every opportunity that we have to develop ourselves and spread the message that girls, can run the world

Inspired by:
Women's International Day
Honor Diaries
Malala Yousafzai

Special thanks to:
My father in heaven, in whom I find my purpose in life
My dad, who always empowers me
My mom, who inspires me to be a strong woman
My teachers, who gave me the platform to develop myself
My friends, who are always there for me
and Asilah, the Wonderwoman who helps me in writing this :)

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