Monday 27 January 2014


Hi guys!

 I'm gonna do this really quick as I am actually waiting for my taxi to LCCT.

So, I'm going back to Sarawak for CNY holidays!!! (Yayyyy)

Ok. Let me be real. Apparently I am not really excited to go back this year because I feel that my class just started, then BAM holidays again.

alright. I know I should be grateful for having this great opportunity to see my family again. Please Lord give me the strength to spend this holidays productively with my loved ones. hehe

And for your information, I'm starting to get busier this year with SATs (skills and applications task) and assignments. Guess there's no more going to Sunway Pyramid every weekend. FOR MY FUTURE. -.-"

But there's one thing that I am really looking forward to this hols, I'm gonna celebrate CNY with my best friend, Apple and her family. I can't wait to visit my old school and childhood friends. (awww, miss them)

OK. So final say from me. Enjoy your break and do something beneficial.. Bye!!!

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