Friday 16 January 2015

5 Things Young People Should Do

Being young is a blessing. That's when we have the most energy, creative ideas, and lots of time and opportunities to improve ourselves, because once we hit the marriage life and having kids, we won't have as much freedom as we have now as there would be more responsibilities and priorities.
So, while we're young, here are some things that young people should do (in my opinion) to maximise their potential  :

1. Read a lot

Yes. Read a lot. And it is not confined to reading physical books only, but also online books or articles. Gain as much knowledge as possible and read widely. Reading fictional books such as Harry Potter and Hunger Games are good for your imagination and creativity, however try to pick up other genres such as autobiography of prominent leaders, travelling books, politics, and economics.

 Remember, we are the future leaders, and to be a leader means to be intellectually aware. Plus, we will be able to carry different kinds of conversations with various people if we have a wide knowledge.

2. Show your potential

Enough with sitting quietly and doing nothing. Show what you can do or speak up your opinions. Maybe you are not used to this, but you can always start small. Just be courageous enough to contribute ideas in small group of discussions, probably with your classmates. Once you do it, you will gain the confidence to do more. Stay focused on growing that confidence by thinking positively all the time.

Take lead in group work as well. Maybe as a beginner, you can start off by volunteering yourself to be the notetaker, and then after several experiences and observations on how your friends lead the team, you can upgrade yourself into becoming the team leader. Next, be bold to take up bigger responsibilities such as organising an event or leading a club.

3. Study smart and hard in school / college / university.

If last year you didn't work hard in your studies, stop looking back with regrets. You won't achieve anything. Instead, look forward and stay motivated to achieve better grades and quality assignments this year. Revise everyday and always remember your priorities as a student. If you have done well last year, don't stop working hard. Still, be proud of what you have achieved, but at the same time continue on being excellent. You want to be a master or an expert of your knowledge.

4. Be humble and friendly.

Thank God for where you are today. Your current position is contributed by many people such as your parents, family, lecturers, and friends. Treat them as how you want to be treated. You may be an inspiration to these people and please don't smash their trust in you by acting arrogantly. Smile and be confident to greet people. You may feel awkward at first but you don't know that you may have created a positive vibe and they will have a positive impression on you. Who knows, they are influenced by you to do the same thing as well? Being down-to-earth will bring you far.

5. Seek God

Personally, my spiritual journey is not a smooth sailing. There are times when I experience spiritual dryness and times when I'm all pumped up to experience God more. That's why willpower alone is not enough in this journey, and we need to be led by God's spirit.

Pray and continuously tell Him your needs. The more you seek Him, the more you'll know Him. And the more you know God, the more you'll trust Him.

Indeed, our motivation in life should be God. He has blessed us with so much talent, energy, and opportunities and we shall not let them go to waste. There's a reason for His infinite blessings, which is so that we can bless others in return, and to glorify His name.

To be honest, I'm not spiritually perfect, but I need God to lead and mould me everyday into someone whom He intended me to be.

I hope you are inspired by this post to be a better person be it in your studies, relationships or spiritual life.

Take care and love you!